Star Wars - The Force Awakens: Enough with the Rip Off nonsense

Hey friends!

It’s been a while since the last blog, life got in the way in the most magical manner possible -- a gorgeous little princess :)

To get on to the subject at hand, this blog had to review The Force Awakens the day it came out here in Greece. The aforementioned little princess was considerate enough to allow its watching on the opening day, provided dad would get back home in less than 12 parsecs (sure it’s a unit of length but hey – Han shot first!)

After so long, there's really nothing more redundant than a review. So let’s be brief and say, IT ROCKED, with three misty eye occasions:

1. The Falcon’s introduction
2. Han and Leia’s last farewell
3. R2 coming back to life for Luke, like Argos, the dog of Odysseus

Let’s instead talk about something else that is still relevant. Most people who hate TFA use one argument:

“It’s a rip off!”

What IS a rip off? First of all it requires an incompetence to create something original, so it copies something else that worked, hoping that recipe will do the trick once more. Now in the case of TFA, the screenwriters involved are some of the highest paid in the field. Does anyone sincerely believe they used references to A New Hope out of lack of inspiration? Anyone and his cousin can come up with a plot. Here’s the proof:

The oldest friends might remember this 2012 image from the DeimosFanthology site. It’s what Deimos Comics' story direction would be.

TFA chose to pay homage to the first generation of Star Wars fans, while making a movie that would launch the brand anew for the next generation. It’s a tricky balance when going for tribute and innovation. In this case, they offered a masterclass on how it’s done.

And in all those tributes, there was hidden foreshadowing for the chapters to come. Like Rey’s parentage. But that is a different discussion ;)


Thanks for reading, back to princely diapers now…

  Author Bio
Demosthenes Daskaleas Image

Demosthenes Daskaleas

Born in 1980 in Athens-Greece, Demosthenes Daskaleas is an Architect Eng, the owner of Deimos Comics and the writer of its two series, Kingdom of Light and Theoktonia.